T-shirt Fundraiser
From April 13-24 we are selling shirts through bonfire (bonfire.com/we-heart-baby-shoe) to raise funds to complete our home study. There are five different shirt styles- available in five colors each- to choose from! Our sweet friend, Nicole (JellyBird Signs) created the design for us from a C. S. Lewis quote -
“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”
This journey has taught us so much about love...loving a child we've never met, grieving over the children we may never conceive, the sheer, overwhelming emotions of wanting to be parents and never being sure when that day will come. Adoption is love - love through paperwork and questionnaires, love in the midsts of funds to raise, love wound up in nurseries to assemble, love in days of waiting...love in being vulnerable. As the moon rises each night, we've gone through another day of falling in love with our daughter. We dream of her future, things we'll do together, holidays we'll celebrate, photos we'll take. Our lives are just waiting to be changed forever- all because of her.
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