Christmas Fundraiser

I can't believe it's been a year since we announced our plans to adopt Baby Shoe!! Our journey has been much longer than we ever imagined - we’ve dealt with job loss and gain, continued education and pausing our adoption. All of this was never our plan, but we continue to trust that God has the perfect baby for us.
After much prayer, we have updated our agency to match us with a baby girl. That’s right - we’re having a girl!!!! Our daughter will be named Audrey after Tiffany's grandmother and we need your help to bring her home.
We’re launching a Christmas fundraiser that will go through the end of year. Help us decorate Audrey’s first Christmas tree by purchasing an ornament(s).
Step 1: Join our Facebook page “Bringing Home Audrey” (Feel free to invite your friends)
Step 2: Choose the ornament you want from those available. Check our Facebook page for the most up-date info.
*Whichever ornament you pick, you’ll donate that amount. If you choose 36, you'll donate $36.
*Please post on the page which ornament you’ve claimed to avoid duplicates.
Step 3: Go to to donate.
Step 4: Celebrate! You just helped us get one step closer to bringing Baby Shoe home :)
We are so blessed by your love, support and prayers. May you be filled with peace and joy this Christmas season.
God bless,
Chris, Tiffany and Audrey Shoe
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