Anime: Christopher, my sister and I braved LA traffic to see an art exhibit entitled "the Enchanted World of Miyazaki". Miyazaki's art and storytelling never ceases to inspire me. I've watched and re-watched Howl's Moving Castle, Porco Rosso and My Neighbor Totoro countless times while scrapbooking or paper crafting. My sister is the one who introduced me to his fantastical world and we've never looked back.

Anniversary: We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary this month. I never could have imagined all that would happen in those years. In some ways, it feels like a lifetime ago, in others, just yesterday. Christopher makes it so easy to keep falling in love with him. He is my best friend, my North Star, my home. He encourages me to try new things, to be the best version of myself and follow my dreams. He is...mine. I am so blessed to be his.

Ark, Raiders of the: My family and I (mom and dad not pictured) gathered to see Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark with the Pacific Symphony playing the soundtrack. We all got there early for a picnic dinner before taking our seats. My parents have it down to an art, with their mini cooler on wheels and collapsable table. We saw Star Trek last year - wish I could see all my movies with a live orchestra! While Irvine Meadows is closing, we're hoping they can duplicate the experience somewhere else for next summer.
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