July Flew By...
Summer cuts for both pups! We opted for a change and tried a more traditional Schnauzer cut - short ears and long beards. For the first few days, both dogs shook their ears repeatedly trying to get used to their new lighter 'dos. They seem to have settled into their look if the prancing is any indication.
July 4th we spent with friends who are more like family, eating tons of food, joking with each other and shooting off fireworks in the streets. We are so blessed to be surrounded by families who have known us since childhood and continue to welcome us into their homes and lives.
I love weddings - the flowers, the vows, the full life ahead of a sweet couple. We were honored to attend our dear friend's wedding at the end of July. It brought back so many memories of our wedding day. She and I were the same age when we married, both our soon-to-be husbands finished college just prior to the wedding and all of us were told how young, or too young, we were to be married. I told her that young doesn't mean wrong or unprepared, it just means ahead of the curve. I can't wait to see how she grows into her role as wife. It is sure to be a beautiful journey for them.
"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"
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