Hello, friends! I'm so excited to say that our adoption auction was a huge success!!! We had 50 different items we auctioned off from amazing vendors, friends and family. We even had a family who saw us on Instagram, looked at our blog and donated money outside of the auction. It's this sense of community, of strangers and friends gathering around us, that makes this journey so much easier. There's no way we could do this alone.
I'd been praying about the fees for our home study and asking God to provide. Provide He did - above and beyond any expectation I had. Through the auction, we raised almost the full amount needed to cover the cost of our home study.
For those of you unfamiliar with the home study, it's a detailed report of us and our home prepared by a social worker. This process typically takes 2-3 months to finish, depending on how quickly we compile information needed. The home study requires paperwork ranging from questionnaires to CPR certification to fingerprinting to dog immunization records. Our social worker will come to our house at least twice to gather a complete picture of who we are and ensure our house is safe for a child. Once our home study is complete and we are approved, we will legally be ready to bring Baby Shoe home.

So thank you from the bottom of our hearts to everyone who donated and everyone who bid. We are continuously blown away by your generosity and support as we continue our journey to bring Baby Shoe home. You're not only helping us become parents, you're also helping our parents become grandparents, our grandparents become great-grandparents, our siblings become aunts and uncles, our friends become honorary aunts and uncles...and the list goes on. We are so excited to bring Baby Shoe into this amazing circle of love and support. Thank you for helping us take one huge step closer to parenthood.
So there I was looking at instagram, when I came across a warm, familiar face! Tiffany! I don't even know if you remember me, but we went to Biola together in...2005? I can't even remember what class we took together, but you were so sweet to this shy little commuter! Congratulations on your adoption journey! I pry He provides everything you need and sweet Baby Shoe is in your loving arms soon. ❤ God Bless You!